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Columbus, Ohio, United States

Sunday, February 22, 2009


2nd Revolution of Our Founding Fathers’ Nobel Vision……YOU, the people, WAKE UP and SAVE our Individual Liberty and Freedom! We are losing our liberty and freedom to government expansion by the present politicians of the Democratic Party and the Narcissist-Marxist President Barack Obama! Obama is introducing Socialism in our country; leading to Marxism which will destroy our Individual Liberty and Freedom, Free Enterprise (Capitalism), and our exceptionalism in the world.
It is time for We the People to rise and save our great country. Our “exceptionalism” will encourage the world to follow our way of life and not the other way around.
Rather than assaulting Capitalism and grilling only the CEO’s, we should also take action to grill the politicians who brought this economic disaster through Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
When the giant banks (i.e. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae), controlled by the Congress collapsed, other private sector giant banks started collapsing. President Bush and the Treasury Secretary intervened by announcing a bailout plan. This was not the right thing to do. In a Capitalist Society, if a business or a bank fails, they go to Bankruptcy Court to reorganize and eliminate the culprit who brought failure to the business or the bank. Bankruptcy Court – not government intervention – is the right solution.
NOW IT IS TIME for the people to start the 2nd Revolution of Our Founding Fathers’ Noble Vision! Join Glenn Beck with his 9 principles and 12 values (You Are Not Alone). Don’t miss Glenn’s announcement on Friday, March 13.
We must get our Country back!