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Columbus, Ohio, United States

Friday, July 25, 2008

Make the right Presidential Choice - intellectually, not emotionally

TO: All U.S. Citizens and the People of the World.
It would be wise for all to read my book
(available everywhere, i.e. Amazon.com; Barnes & Noble; Borders; our website, etc).

The book includes the following four titles:

Our Presidentital election is just around the corner.
YOU, the people of the United States, must wake up from your slumber and make the right Presidential choice – INTELLECTUALLY - NOT EMOTIONALLY!

Use the following touchstones as your criteria to evaluate your Presidential choice:

1) Who will preserve your Individual Liberty and Freedom? (The precious gifts our Founding Fathers’ gave to us.) Those precious gifts gave our Nation “Free Enterprise” which allowed us to become exceptional in comparison to other nations. Opportunity and exceptional progress is what attracted people of other nations to the U.S.

2) Who will maintain the U.S. exceptional progress? We must choose the Presidential Candidate who will preserve our Individual Liberty and Freedom and protect us from both terrorism and negative external beliefs (i.e. Marxist Socialist ideology).

3) Our next President must be a mature, responsible, experienced MONO-LEADER!

4) YOU must understand the candidate himself, as he truly is – not as created by the media.

Ask yourself – will the Candidate preserve my liberty and freedom? Will he preserve the exceptional leadership of my country? Is he willing to make himself available to meet the people and answer my questions himself as opposed to reciting from a script written by someone else?

The valuable information in this book will help the family structure raise mature, responsible children to become mono-leaders – not followers. It explains the need to reconstruct our education system; how people can influence government/religion; and how people can control the media – rather than the media controlling the people!

We are facing our greatest crisis. After 232 years of independence – we are on the verge of losing our individual liberty and freedom. On one side we are facing terrorism. On the other side some of the power-hungry politicians and elected officials are leading our country towards Marxist Socialism. Socialism means total government control and the loss of individual liberty and freedom! It is the Noble Vision of Our Founding Fathers’ that made the USA the great example that it is – a land of opportunity and freedom.

Dr. Shah
website: foundingfathersvision.com

I welcome your comments.